Delphi Compiler Versions

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I have turned on the auto-increment version number feature on my Delphi 3 project. I have an About box, and would like to have the program get the version number that the complier generates. I found a function with Delphi's crappy help files and tried the following: procedure TAboutBoxCHDIR.FormCreate( Sender: TObject); VAR VerStr, FName: PChar; begin VerStr:= StrAlloc(255); FName:= StrAlloc(255); FName:= StrPCopy(Fname, Application.Exename); GetVersionOfFile(LongInt(F Name), LongInt(VerStr), 254); Version.Caption:= 'Version ' + StrPas(VerStr); StrDispose(FName); StrDispose(VerStr); end; But, it seems Borland didn't include the DLLs required for the GetVersionOfFile() function and the necessary interface unit. Is there another way?

Delphi Compiler Versions

Delphi Compiler Versions Free

A better way? Where can I get the needed msdetstf.dll for 'importing' into my project? I'm afraid that I have not had a chance to work with the new Delphi 3 yet but perhaps you could use a couple of Win32 API calls to get the information that you need. You can use GetFileVersionInfo to get the version information structure for any file that uses this resource. I have done this in VB with success. The calls in Delphi should be even easier (although I have not yet done them in Delphi so can not include sample code).