Childish Gambino Video

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Are artists taking a knee ahead of the Super Bowl halftime show? The night I watched Childish Gambino’s video for “This Is America,” I was scared. With zero sound, the images from Donald Glover’s latest musical project felt like monsters under the bed. The bulk of Childish Gambino’s work trafficks in iconoclasm, distinction from the rest of the rap pack; hearing him adopt such Atlantan sensibilities, backed mostly by Atlanta rappers, almost. Childish Gambino's had everyone dissecting the video for his latest single, 'This Is America.' Here's what we found when we looked deeper at the piece. Childish Gambino, Tame Impala and Ariana Grande are just some of the big names confirmed for the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival 2019 lineup, announced overnight.

Donald Glover/Childish Gambino in the music video for 'This is America.' The capped an important weekend for.

Childish Gambino Video Meme

Glover released the 4-minute opus under his musical alter-ego Childish Gambino, after performing the song on NBC's 'Saturday Night Live.' It launched a storm of conversation on social media and quickly. Like much of Glover's work, 'This is America' is cryptic and loaded with shocking imagery and metaphor. The track's tone swerves from happy-go-lucky psalmic readings to more alarming verses. In typical Glover fashion, he dismissed close readings of his work in an interview at. 'I just wanted to make a good song,'.


Childish Gambino Video America

'Like something that people could play on Fourth of Julys.' Directed by his and choreographed by Sherrie Silver, the music video touches on gun violence, the precarious state of black bodies in the US, and how we've historically used entertainment to distract us from pervasive cultural and political problems. But the music video's iconoclastic images and many layers to fully parse. Here are 24 things you may have missed.