Applies only for Small Business Payroll solutions - TeamPay by ADP®, TeamPay by ADP Live, and Comprehensive Outsourcing Services. Free payroll processing applies to the recurring payroll processing fees paid by you to ADP. “Recurring payroll processing fees” exclude, without limitation: (i) any underlying payroll funding obligations (wages, taxes, third party remittances); (ii) any fees for official bank cheques, tax or special one-time reports, third-party remittances or cheque stuffing; (iii) Year-end services; (iv) refundable deposits or third party pass-through charges (including delivery charges); (v) direct expenses/charges (e.g. NSF fees); (vi) penalties and interest; (vii) fees for shipping, delivery and installation of equipment or software, custom programming, the sale or leasing of equipment or software, or maintenance; and (viii) income derived from the float. ADP reserves the right to discontinue or modify this promotion at any time. ADP, the ADP Logo, ADP A more human resource, and TeamPay by ADP are registered trademarks of ADP, LLC. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.